EMC Publications
Publications Results
Survey for Federal Political Parties – 2021
10 question survey for our federal political parties from EMC, during the 2021 election
Priority Policy Recommendations for the Advancement of Transportation Electrification in Canada
Priority Policy recommendations to the political parties represented at the House of Commons
Work, Commute and Travel During COVID-19
Prepared for Natural Resources Canada
Clean fuel standard letter from EMC
Electric Mobility Canada (EMC) would like to congratulate Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) for its work in publishing the draft Clean Fuel Regulations (CFR) in Canada Gazette I.
A Case for the EV Industry and ZEV Standard
Speech of the Throne letter from EMC
Re: Electric mobility and Canada’s economic recovery Dear Ministers, Over the past few months, we have had constructive discussions with many of your offices about opportunities for Canada to stimulate the economy...
EMC Recommendations for ZEV Standard in Quebec
Here are our recommendations in answer to the questions sent by the Québec government. 1- What are your comments on the ZEV standard and its results so far (assessment of the first compliance period, advantages and disadvantages of having such a standard in Quebec, etc.)?
Pre-budget Consultations in Advance of the Upcoming Federal Budget
10 Recommendations from Electric Mobility Canada – Mobilité Électrique Canada for Canada’s Upcoming Budget