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Publications Results

EMC Recommendations for Ontario’s 2023 Budget

Electric Mobility Canada

Electric Mobility Canada recognizes the significant efforts that the Ontario government has recently undertaken to make the province and, by extension, Canada, a global player in the electrification of transport, with many new programs and projects announced to support the acceleration of the EV industry in our country. To help Ontario rise to the top with other leaders, EMC proposes the following recommendations ahead of the 2023 Ontario Budget:

Recommendations for Achieving a Zero-Emission Future for Light-Duty Vehicles

Electric Mobility Canada

Recommendations to ECCC on its 2022 ZEV Consultation: Achieving a Zero-Emission Future for Light-Duty Vehicles

New Canadian Light-Duty ZEV sales Regulation

Electric Mobility Canada

The New Canadian Light-Duty ZEV sales Regulation Will Help Accelerate EV Adoption and Offer Market Predictability to Bolster Investments in the EV Industry Across Canada

Consultation on Level 3+ EV Charging Devices

Electric Mobility Canada

Consultation on the oversight of Level 3+ electric vehicle charging devices already in service: comments and recommendations submitted to Measurement Canada by Electric Mobility Canada

Electric Mobility Canada 2023 Federal Budget Recommendations

Electric Mobility Canada

EMC 2023 Federal Budget Recommendations - Priority Policies for the Advancement of Transportation Electrification in Canada

Priority Policies for the Advancement of Transportation Electrification in Canada

Electric Mobility Canada

Priority Policies for the Advancement of Transportation Electrification in Canada 2023 pre-Budget Recommendations

A Batteries Blueprint for Canada – Canadian Battery Task Force

Electric Mobility Canada

As the world shifts away from fossil fuels and we look to electrify our vehicles, our buildings, and our industries, batteries will become the new engines of our economy.

Canada Electric Vehicle Scorecard: Ranking Provincial and Territorial Strategies, Policies & Investments

Electric Mobility Canada

Provincial and Territorial Zero-Emission Vehicle Scorecard - Tracking Canadian Sub-national Leadership in ZEV Strategies, Policies & Investments

Top 12 Reasons for a Canadian ZEV Mandate

Electric Mobility Canada

A national ZEV mandate will ensure that EVs built in Canada, with the support of Canadian taxpayers’ money, are available to Canadian consumers

eMHDV Ecosystem Gaps Report

Electric Mobility Canada

Canada’s eMHDV Ecosystem - Building blocks for a successful transition