Executive Committee

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Megan Lohmann

Community Energy Association


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Neetika Sathe

Alectra Utilities


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Sanjeev Pushkarna

NS Power


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Travis Allan

FLO/AddÉnergie Technologies Inc.


Board Members 2022-2023

Board members are elected at the Annual General Meeting for 2-year teams.


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Eddy Zuppel

National Research Council

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Jason Cruickshank

SWTCH Energy

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Jeff Turner

Dunsky Energy + Climate

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Patrick Gervais

Lion Electric

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Shayna Rector Bleeker

Seven Generation Capital

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Suzanne Goldberg


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Ted Dowling


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Theresa Cooke

Siemens Canada Limited

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Travis Allan

FLO/AddÉnergie Technologies Inc.

Energy Providers

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Alec Tsang

BC Hydro

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Igor Rusic

Milton Hydro Holdings Inc

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Neetika Sathe

Alectra Utilities

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Renaud Cloutier


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Sanjeev Pushkarna

NS Power

Not-for-Profit Organizations and Academics

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Cara Clairman

Plug’n Drive

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Evan Wiseman

The Atmospheric Fund

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Megan Lohmann

Community Energy Association